Lake Surveys in Lake & Pond Management
Understanding a waterbody is the first step to management. Similar to a doctor conducting a CT Scan or an ultrasound or a mechanic conducting a diagnostic check or a brake inspection, a waterbody needs to be fully understood to make accurate management decisions. Aquatic environments are sensitive and skipping this step is impossible. In many cases, proper data collection through a vegetation survey and water quality sampling pays itself off in the long run, because management budgets end up being spent on the proper services. We offer the following services to help fully understand your waterbody and how it is best managed.
- Basic vegetation surveys with map of invasive/nuisance species as well as other dominant native species, accompanied by a brief summary and management recommendations. Call now, we are offering an introductory special to make this task affordable for almost any group.
- In depth point intercept surveys. Using a pre-determined meter grid, point intercept surveys are easily replicated over time by anyone who is trained in the methodology. These surveys are great for understanding change in a waterbody’s characteristics over time. Of course this type of survey is accompanied by detailed reporting and GIS based maps.
- Bathymetry and sediment mapping – these services can be conducted alone or in combination with a vegetation survey to fully understand the water depth and depth of organic matter within a pond.
- Annual surveys – Ask about our great annual survey options as we are able to provide cost based incentives when annual surveys are planned.
Water quality monitoring – Whether it’s combined with a survey, or conducted alone, understanding water quality is important to understanding your waterbody. We can customize a water quality program to fit your needs, whether it’s understanding nutrients, or simply assessing specific parameters to insure your pond is safe for swimming.

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